Service Description:
The Adjust Video API service applies image adjustments to an input video file. There are 17 different options available to adjust your video images. The adjust service can be used with all video types. This includes your standard image options like brightness, contrast, and saturation; as well as audio volume and speed of clips.

Limitations: Supported source video formats are WEBM, MP4 and MOV.


  • Adjust brightness and/or contrast
  • Adjust speed and/or reverse the video
  • Adjust audio and/or volume
  • Adjust clarity and/or saturation
  • Adjust hue and/or shadows
  • Adjust highlights and/or temperature
  • Adjust noise or sharpen the video


  • At least one adjustment setting must be chosen
  • If you choose an adjustment setting value out of the allowed range, the default value of 0 is used instead.

Source Video:
You can source the video by providing URL to an online video.

Requires an API key to be provided in the X-Picsart-API-Key request header.
