Full list of parameters
Explore the comprehensive list of all parameters available for configuring the Picsart Photo and Video Editor SDK.
Name | Type | Description | Default | Since |
advancedText | Boolean | Auto-Scrolling Text for Video Ads allows to add a rich-text overlay on top of the scene. The user can control when it shows up, when it starts scrolling and for how long, define the font as well as write the rich-text copy that should scroll. This feature is disabled by default and is available in the Configurable plan. | false | 1.5.0 |
branding | Object | To achieve a consistent, unique, and native look for your editor, the UI branding configuration provides various settings to customize the UI’s visual aspects. These settings are encapsulated within the branding object. Below is an example of how the branding configuration is structured:"branding": { "accents": '#EEC443', "hover: '#EED792', "main": '#1F3B5E', "texts": '#FFFFFF', "background": '#0A1E37’, "fonts": [ { fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: 400, fontDisplay: 'swap', src: 'url(“https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/barriecito/v17/WWXXlj-CbBOSLY2QTuY_Gd0oYibNwMR2ng.woff2”) format(“woff2")', unicodeRange: 'U+0102-0103, U+0110-0111, U+0128-0129, U+0168-0169, U+01A0-01A1, U+01AF-01B0, U+0300-0301, U+0303-0304, U+0308-0309, U+0323, U+0329, U+1EA0-1EF9, U+20AB', }, { fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: 400, fontDisplay: 'swap', src: 'url(“https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/barriecito/v17/WWXXlj-CbBOSLY2QTuY_GdwoYibNwMR2ng.woff2”) format(“woff2")', unicodeRange: 'U+0100-02AF, U+0304, U+0308, U+0329, U+1E00-1E9F, U+1EF2-1EFF, U+2020, U+20A0-20AB, U+20AD-20CF, U+2113, U+2C60-2C7F, U+A720-A7FF', }, { fontStyle: 'normal', fontWeight: 400, fontDisplay: 'swap', src: 'url(“https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/barriecito/v17/WWXXlj-CbBOSLY2QTuY_GdIoYibNwMQ.woff2”) format(“woff2")', unicodeRange: 'U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+0304, U+0308, U+0329, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD', }, ] } For more details, see here to learn about how to customize the look & feel. | empty | coming soon |
categories | Array of Strings | Enables the sidebar options by category. Available categories are - background - elements - layout - photos - subtitles - uploadDescription // false/true to show upload descriptions- linkUpload // false/true enable or disable uploading a subtitle by url, set is as false for the time being- uploadButtonLabel // string set the title of the upload button- burn //false/true when true it will show that option by default in the export menu- templates - text - uploads - tabs: ['Audio', 'Images'] // uploads supports Audio and images | 1.0.4 // subtitles available since version 1.8 | |
customSize | String | By passing width and height values in pixels, the editor will open with a canvas of the passed size. Example: 2550x3300. Note: This parameter is used when none of` imageURL, replayURL, defaultTemplateId or videoURL is used/set. | empty | 1.0.4 |
defaultTemplateId | String | The Id of the template to be shown when the editor is open. | empty | 1.0.4 |
exportDPI | Number | The DPI requirement for the export. This value will be used to evaluate the DPI of every image on the template. And if an image DPI is below this value a pop-up alert suggesting to upscale it will be shown. If this value is not provided there will be no DPI check. | empty | 1.0.4 |
exportFormats | Array of Strings | The list of MIME types that need to be exported from the editor. It is possible to specify this value at initialization, when the editor is opened, or when initiating the export. Supported values are: image/png image/jpeg image/webp print/pdf (including printing marks),preview/pdf (pdf with no extra settings)replay video/mp4 video/quicktime video/webm Only one image/* format per export is supported.image/* , */pdf , replay formats can be used together. | 1.0.4 | |
exportSettings | Object | Define custom settings for each format specified in exportFormats. All these parameters are used and have effect after the export action has been requested. The expected object structure is: { 'print/pdf': {}, 'preview/pdf': {}, 'video/mp4': {}, 'image/jpeg': {}, } print/pdf settings supports: - pageInfo : Show pdf pages information. - cropMark: also known as trim lines add lines into the pdf to assist print’s trimming. - starTarget: also known as center marks assist the alignment of printing and trimming - registrationMark: are important for precision and placement when working with multiple applications during production. - colorBar: are essentially test targets, to check for ink density, overprinting and more. - tintBar: same as colorBar but in grayscale. - emptyMargin: adds an empty white margin to include printing marks, it has a size calculated on printing marks space needs starting with ⅛ inch or 3mm. - colorProfile: converts content to the desired profile, currently only fully supports ‘rgb’ and ‘cmyk’ partially. - imageExportCompression: from 1 to 100, when used original images will be converted to jpeg and a compression will be applied based on the input. (if this paramater is not set it will use the parameter set on templatesLoadingSettings parameter) - maxDpi: from 1 to 600 this value is used to optimise the images used to match the input and avoid having higher DPI values for photos when they are not needed. This only works when the original DPI value of the image is bigger or equal to the maxDPI input. (if this paramater is not set it will use the parameter set on templatesLoadingSettings parameter.preview/pdf settings supports: - imageExportCompression: from 1 to 100, when used original images will be converted to jpeg and a compression will be applied based on the input. - maxDpi: from 1 to 600 this value is used to optimise the images used to match the input and avoid having higher DPI values for photos when they are not needed. This only works when the original DPI value of the image is bigger or equal to the maxDPI input. (if this paramater is not set it will use the parameter set on templatesLoadingSettings parameter.image/jpeg settings supports: - compression: he compression quality to use when creating the output image with a lossy file format for this edit session in particular. When specified, this will override the value specified when the SDK is initialised. The supported values are in the range 0-100.video/mp4 settings supports: - fps: frames per second for the exported video (30fps by default). - resolution: resolution in pixels for the exported video (1080p by default).async enables the return of the exported data on an async mode, meaning that when more than one export format is configured instead of calling onExport method once all the data is available it will call onExport every time a export format is available including the data for each export. The exports are executed in the same order as they are set in the exportFormats parameter.showProgressPopup is a true/false parameter that when activated it shows modal including export progress and export information, allowing user to understand a bit more what is going on, specially useful when export like print ready pdf are generated, by default this parameter is false. | 1.0.4 imageExportCompression, maxDpi , compression async and showProgressPopup are available since version 1.4 | |
exportType | String | Specifies the export type when Image format is included in exportFormats. Supported values are: - buffer - base64 - blob | 'blob' | 1.0.4 |
features | Array of Strings | Enables features. Supported features are - header - when added, enables the top navigation bar.- multicanvasSupport - when listed, enables the multipage/multicanvas editing mode.- tools - when listed, enables the editing tools in the canvas, such as effects, fonts, shadow, adjust, etc.Supported features within tools option are:- canvasCrop - effects - eraser - adjust - edit - color - gradient - font - border - outline - shadow - remove - crop - flip_rotate - position - trim - animation . templatesTitle : Provide title for templates list, this will appears within templates menu.templatesSubTitle : Provide a subtitle for templates list, this will be added right next to the templatesTitle value. | 1.0.4 The feature 'animation' is added since v1.3.3. | |
fitExportPDFSizeResult | Boolean | When set to "true" this setting will round the trimbox output size to try to match the same size of the physical dimensions of the template. Since the templates are created in pixels and the conversion to a physical size can not be always perfect there is a 2 decimal points error margin that could still be obtained as result, thi`s method is fixing larger margin errors. Only available for millimeter. | false | 1.0.4 |
fitBackgroundToBleedArea | Boolean | When true this will fill the bleed area (not visible by default) to make sure the background content is included and avoid problems when trimming the print. | false | 1.4 |
imageURL | String/URL | When this parameter is used, the editor will open the photo editing state and load the image from the provided URL. The value must be a valid URL of a JPG, PNG or WEBP format photo. Shall not be used together with replayURL (either of these two shall be specified). | empty | 1.0.4 |
hideCancelBtn | Boolean | This option allows to hide the Cancel button | false | 1.0.4 |
measurement | String | This parameter is used to calculate pixels to physical units, eg: inches or millimetres, the default value is "pixel" and the values supported are "inch", "millimeter" and of course "pixel". When used, Template dimension is transformed to the selected measurement unit. | "pixel" | 1.0.4 |
miniapps | Object | Miniapps parameter allows the Editor SDK to include individual functionalities, currently there is only 1 functionality available, and it can be turned on by the setting, t2i:true t2i: Text to Image is a Picsart miniapp that provides images generated by just inputing a propmt. This miniapp must be also enabled at app level, so please contact your picsart support if you are interested in using it. | false | 1.7 (coming soon) |
mode | String | Enable a group of settings by default when print , image or video mode is seteg: print - printablePdf, unsupportedColorTypes, and unsupportedTextAligns are set by default. | 1.0.4 | |
onClose | Function | This callback will be fired when the editor gets closed either programmatically using the #close method or manually by the User using the Cancel button in the editor. | () => {} | 1.0.4 |
onExport | Function | This callback will be fired when the user wants to export the edit result. | () => {} | 1.0.4 |
onError | Function | This callback will be fired when an error happens during the open or export process. In the case of having an error during the export of a video a message and an error code will be added to the data object. - errorMessage: a description of why an export couldn’t be done - errorCode: a reference number to a specific errorlist of error for transcoding service can be found here. | (data) => {} | 1.0.4 |
PPI | number | For printing purposes this value is used to calculate amount of pixels per inches. | 96 | 1.0.4 |
quality | Number | The compression quality to use when creating the output image with a lossy file format for this edit session in particular. When specified, this will override the value specified when the SDK is initialised. The supported values are in the range 0-100. | 90 | 1.0.4 |
replayURL | String/URL | Editor will open the template editing state and load the template from the provided URL. This allows the end user to edit a design previously saved. The value must be a valid URL of a replay file. Shall not be used together with imageURL (either of these two shall be specified). | empty | 1.0.4 |
selectedTool | String | Editor will open and select the provided tool. Available tools for use are: upload, templates, texts, photos, stickers and shapes | empty | 1.0.4 |
settingsWidgetOptions | Array | determines which sections will be available in the settings: - shortcuts - languages - feedback - bleed - help | "shortcut" | 1.0.4 |
subtitleURL | String/URL | The Editor will load a subtitle file and add it to the menu. This allows users to edit the file and downloaded The value must be a valid URL. It can be used together with videoURL if needed. | empty | 1.8 |
textSettings | Object | - fontStyle: show/hide Bold/Italic/Underline font styles section - fontsFolderView: Display a list of fonts grouped by folders | empty | 1.0.4 |
title | String | Editor will show this title for the edit. | empty | 1.0.4 |
templatesFilters | Object | The object should include the filter parameters, selected based on taxonomy api options. The three available filters are - dimension : the size in pixels of the templates, eg : 576x288 - templatesSubType : this is the category selected, eg: announcement - templatesClass : this value represents the class or sub category, eg: birth .- fold : the value represents how many times the template is folded, eg: no-fold , half-fold , tri-fold , z-fold .- paper_size : the value represents the paper sizes and printing formats, eg: A0 , A1 , A2 , A4 , DL , etc.An example filter: templatesFilters: { dimension: "576x288", templatesSubType: "announcement", templatesClass: "birth", } | false | 1.0.4 |
templatesLoadingSettings | Object | - imageLoadCompression: from 1 to 100, when used original images will be converted to jpeg and a compression will be applied based on the input, this can be used to improve loading times specially when images in templates have really high quality. - maxDpi: from 1 to 600 this value is used to optimise the images used to match the input and avoid having higher DPI values for photos when they are not needed. This only works when the original DPI value of the image is bigger or equal to the maxDPI input. | false | 1.4 |
theme | String | Change the mode of the SDK between ‘dark’ and ‘light’ themes. Dark theme uses mostly black or dark grey colors for most of the UI elements, while Light theme uses mostly whites. | ‘dark’ is the default value | 1.0.4 |
tools | Array | Enable or disable the tools available on the canvas, removing a tool from the list will remove it from the Editor. The full list includes: ["effects", "eraser", "duplicate", "adjust", "edit", "color", "gradient", "font", "border", "outline", "shadow", "replace", "remove", "crop", "flip_rotate", "position", "animation"] | all are enabled by default | 1.0.4 |
undoRedoControls | Boolean | Use true to show the undo and redo controls and use false to disable it.By default it is enabled. | true | 1.0.4 |
usePicsartInventory | Boolean | Use true to enable the Picsart Content Inventory feature. This means that all templates, fonts, layouts and photos are retrieved from Picsart Content Inventory.Use false to disable Picsart Content Inventory and manage the content externally.By default it is disabled. | false | 1.0.4 |
video | Boolean | Use true to enable the video editing features. | false | 1.0.4 |
videoURL | String/URL | Editor will open the video editing state and load the video from the provided URL. The value must be a valid URL of a mp4 format video. Shall not be used together with replayURL (either of these two shall be specified). | empty | 1.0.4 |
watermark | Object | Enable water mark to be included in the export result (photo only). List of parameters: "url" :The URL to an image to be used as water mark, when resultWatermark is enabled. "opacity" : Set the opacity to be applied to the watermark in the export, range goes from 0 to 1."scale" : scale is the size relative to the size of canvas. 10 means that the height of the watermark is 1/10 of the height of canvas. The default setting is 8. "export": enable the export on the result image after export. eg: "watermark":{ "url": "bla.png", "opacity": "1", // 0 to 1 "scale": 10, // what are the params and what is the starting size? "export": true, "canvas": false } | 1.0.4 | |
zoomControls | Boolean | Use true to show the zoom controls and use false to disable it.By default it is enabled. | true | 1.0.4 |
All the parameters are optional.
Updated 5 months ago